Cleaning is part of Self-Care
By Charmaine Lily (IG MyscMore)
If your room can reflect your mental state, can you trick your mental state into change by changing the room?
Our minds can be a destructive force in our lives, and it has been said that our home environment reflects the chaos we hold inside.
Trying to fix the years of trauma, damage and destruction in our lives can seem impossible. You just don't know where to start.
Well what if changing your external environment could alleviate some of the stress we hold internally.
Obviously there is the extreme of this that can manifest as OCD, but that's a whole different story. Having some control of the elements accessible to you is actually very empowering.
But you have to first make up your mind that you WANT change. If you do not make this a priority you will never see what needs to be changed.
Have you ever watched those hoarder shows where a home is just full of clutter?
We often just see the end results of what has been a slow decline in someone’s mental health.
Life becomes overwhelming and the person feels out of control and this is projected into their reality.
To boldly say “I want to change my life” without first changing the environment in which you live is folly.
For creativity, purpose and passion to flow, the energy flow of one’s home must be conducive to this notion.
How can you think about your dreams if you have to think about the dirty dishes, piles of laundry & messy surfaces?
Getting the home in order first gives your mind the space to wander when free time finally falls upon you.
This is where discipline, organisation and structure come in.
The task is mammoth, but the prize is golden.
The feeling of walking into any room and not being met with chaos is the ultimate reward, especially when you are battling with depression and anxiety.
We may not be able to take charge of our negative self-perception, intrusive thoughts or ugly self-talk.
But we can take charge of our homes.
So how do you begin? Well start small. Sit in a room. Ponder. Look around. What niggles at you. What stings the eyes. What CAN you do to make it better?
A simple cupboard or drawer is a good place to start. Take everything out. Clean it. Wipe it down. Take a moment to show gratitude for even having this furniture and possessions that need storage.
Click here to see >>> 10 Quotes That Will Empower You to Declutter Anything by Ashley Abramson
Next only put back what looks pretty, organised or functional. As you start to develop your home you will soon start grouping functional items. This makes it easier for when you need to find something. Organisation alleviates stress. It’s a cathartic practice that distracts the mind from busy thoughts sent to destroy our self-esteem.
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Discipline and structure, work, rules and routine actually build a sense of wellbeing. It gives us small goals to complete, small wins to relish in! These small wins increase our feeling of accomplishment and instils a sense of healthy pride.
Start with the small things, inspire yourself to change what you can.
Jordan Peterson says “If you can't even clean up your own room, who the hell are you to give advice to the world?”
His notion is that you should allow yourself time to consider the expanse of which you live. Things that you can fix, do fix! How do you conceive the limits of your being?
Click here to see Clinical Professor Jordan Peterson “The Philosophy Behind Cleaning Your Room”
If you are feeling like you don’t know where to start. Join us on a weekly confidence boost session.
It’s totally free and will give you a motivation to take stock of your life. All who come along are eager to shape their own destiny, and we all have mini projects that we support each other with.
Each week we engage in activities and challenges, completed by you at home, that boost your levels of confidence & self-belief!
You don’t have to have the camera on if you don’t feel comfortable. But just come and listen in and see if you can find a new piece of yourself to take home with you!
Follow my Instagram for a daily dose of upliftment as I share the ups and downs of my own #JourneyToWholeness
Win a Heart & Soul Make-Over
Are you Ready for an Over-haul!?
1 - Wow Your Wardrobe
Revamp your PERSONAL STYLE with this in-depth make-over looking at your style, your storage & access.
Together we will define your GOALS, Purpose & Passion to showcase them in your outfits!
We also look at your getting ready station and your relationship with the getting ready process.
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2 - Spa Where You Are
Your Mental Health Matters, which means you need time to yourself.
With Spa Where You Are Coaching & Support we will devise a Self-Care Regime that fits with your life style and requirements.
3 - Home & Castle Let's create a new flow in your home. With this free coaching and support your lifestyle, dreams and energy can be manifested in your home! We provide a consultation and over-haul service to organise, deep clean and create storage & flow in your home. We will create a space for you to breathe again! 4 - Journey to Wholeness Let's make you a MAP to find out where you are, where you want to be and how you are going to get there! 5 - 3 Items of your choice from Just Fab As part of your make-over we want to revamp your style with 3 items of your choice from Just Fab. We will help you pick the best items for you based on your purpose and goals for your style. 6 - Personal Shopping Experience Let's get together at a your favourite shopping venue! In this coaching we share tips, tricks & hacks to help you shop more effectively. We give you the skills to be able to buy new items that will fit your new criteria and wardrobe palette & objectives.